Death toll continues rising, over 180,000 evacuated in LA wildfires

With a growing death toll and over 180,000 people evacuated, fire crews are making their best efforts to contain the LA fires as more continue to appear.
很贊 ( 11 )
I'm old enough to know that next comes record rainfall and mudslides. Unfortunately.
SoCal had record rainfall this past spring, but they diverted the water to the ocean instead of filling the reservoirs.
Very sad. Mudslides and power outages.
what are my eyes seeing? is that brick and cinder block? how dare they build with those materials that are clearly not earthquake proof?, sure they seems unaffected by the wildfires and seems pretty old, but I'm pretty sure this is illegal in CA.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉載請注明出處
That title is very easy to misread. I read it as "Death toll continues rising, over 180,000." because the rest got cut off on my phone.
Every life lost is tragic but considering the magnitude of these fires, it is a miracle the number of fatalities is not far higher. Evacuations have been well executed and unlike the Lahaina fire, there are more avenues of escape.
It’s bc they haven’t been able to go looking for bodies yet , also can’t find bodies when they turn to ashes
Fires tend to be like that. They move incredibly fast and destroy countless homes, but have relatively low death count
The vast majority of people in this comment section need to learn basic empathy. The fact that the popular opinion here is to blame the way people voted is absurd. People have died and are suffering and the only thing you have to say is that "they probably regret their vote." Grow up and be better.
Finally a News report I simply have no comlaints about. Well done, Channel whatever-you-are.
I am a retired Army Officer and studied military history; Here are my thoughts. The fires in California remind me of the great fire bombings in WWII and want to expound on the similarities or the assumptions thereof. It is said when German cities were bombed, the fires were so intense that they created their own weather systems. There were sounds of crackling, the smell of smoke, and winds that were too fast to fast to escape from. Some of the fires exceeded a thousand degrees and often people in the open would be incinerated almost instantly. Those in underground shelters were not immune from the heat of the fires as they became ovens. I think this is happening in California. It is imperative people leave when authorities tell them too because they probably do not understand the dynamics of the fires and how lethal and fast they are.
I agree with what you are saying. I was living in Redding CA during the Carr fire and there is a neighborhood near the Sacramento River and there was a investigator for the fire department that was down there and he was thrown and killed and in that neighborhood there were these very large trees in these yards that were uprooted but that area is not known for having tornados. They believe there was something like one that threw the guy and caused these trees to be uprooted. I suggest you look it up these trees were not small
Where on earth do 180,000 people evacuate to? Please let me know.
This is a desert valley surrounded by desert hills and mountains. They have been in extreme drought conditions for 7 months and a major reservoir is down. Now, the Santa Ana Winds coming right behind it. This is tragic.
Commas exist , you could've easily added a comma or a fullstop after the phrase death toll continues to rise . The title is so misleading
Send firefighting equipment to Ukraine; Diverting rain water to the ocean instead of filling reservoirs; Cutting $17.5 million from the LAFD budget; Not inspecting/testing fire hydrants - what could possibly go wrong?
You forgot not removing dead brush in order to save the rodents.
1. Please give me a source for how much money in firefighting equipment was sent to Ukraine.
2. You say we should collect rainwater and put it in reservoirs as if that's a simple and easy process. Hint, it's not.
3. The money diverted from the LAFD budget was given to the LAPD in order to appease the "Back The Blue" crowd.
Your Reich Wing propaganda indoctrination seems complete culty
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉載請注明出處
1. $1 of equipment is too much with the 1/4 TRILLION dollars in aid Cho Bie Dung has sent; 2. The reservoirs are already in the LA River system - they spent money to divert the RECORD rainfall; 3. The could have found other money for the police, like the money they spend on the "homeless" that most likely caused all this.
他們本可以為警察找到其他資金,比如那些他們花在“無家可歸者”上的錢,后者很可能是這一切的根源。 @vincentbugalia3858
Many of the cities in this country and other countries as well have experienced great fires this is an exceptionally devastating one
This apocalyptic event exceeds the historic infernos of Chicago and Baltimore in the distant past.
I’m praying for everyone affected by these fires , the government, communities, and individuals need to work together to protect not only the people but also the land and wildlife that are being destroyed
There is evidence that it is arson but you insist on calling them "wildfires"
A city has been burnt to the ground. This is intentional, the only natural thing about this was the wind.
Yes, the record high winds. And the record low rainfall. Other than that yes, densely packed flammable homes are indeed unnatural and tend to light up like the 4th of July when put inside of a raging inferno.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉載請注明出處
Where are all 180,000 people supposed to evacuate?? This is really devastating. There are many that are evicted from their homes daily/monthly which is also devastating. I’m sending positive vibes to all who are facing eviction, loss of their homes due to the fires and other weather related ….
Our Prayers for all the vicitms n families volunteers the people children firefighters volunteers homes for safety protection provisions health dear God n to help contain extinguish the fires n stop the Santa Ana winds in Jesus Name we pray Amen.
What was the death toll and how are things Coming along reconstruction wise for the Maui individuals? What was the death toll in North Carolina and Tennessee post hurricane devastation and how is the reconstruction coming along for them? These people didn’t have multi Million dollar homes most likely no money to even rebuild a shack??
How these guys could run out of water to fight the fire...??? A lot of the houses are near the ocean. Why not use the water from the ocean..??? Surely, there must be technology that allows using the water from the ocean.
If you put salt water into the water pipes they will all be ruined. It would cost billions to dig up and replace the entire system but maybe that's the better option at this point, I don't know.
Fire trucks from Oregon are being turned away for not meeting California emission standards.
I hope Newsom is proud of himself. Criminal should face charges. I live about 2 hours away from LA and EVERYONE is being impacted. My heart is so sad for people who are hurting. Stop voting for people that don’t care.
Notice there's no mention of the homeless population
But they aren't really wildfires when they caught a guy with blowtorch in hand.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉載請注明出處
its hard to feel sorry for people that have gotten exactly what they voted for
It’s ok, Newsom will give every victim $750.00 in smelt.
1:22 Is it The Most Costly or is it " The Costliest"?
1:22 這是“最昂貴的”還是“最具成本的”?
The ONLY worry gaven noosem has is how he can spin this to not be his fault in anyway
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Gavin Newsom, that mayor and those three fire "chiefs" all need to be held accountable for criminal negligence.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉載請注明出處
What a bunch of incompetent people running the show in California…glad my well being will never be considered under these clowns…
Remember they said even Egypt wouldn't open their borders? When will Texas open their borders for these people?
Sucks for the ones that can't financially bounce back from this, as well as the loss of life.... but its about time the upper class snobs got financially hit!
I don’t understand where all the people are going to go. There are smart cities are not yet in place.
Newsom and Bass political careers are over, they need to be removed from office. The more they talk they just sound devious and lost, platitudes, nothing else. Now, SCE is cutting power to everyone who still has a home, people can't survive mentally or physically like this very long. We need a sea change now.
紐瑟姆和巴斯的政治生涯已經(jīng)結束,他們需要被罷免。 他們越是講話,聽起來就越狡猾且迷茫,空洞的陳詞濫調,別無他物。現(xiàn)在,南加州愛迪生公司正在切斷所有仍有房屋的人的電力,人民在這種情況下很難在心理和生理上長時間生存下去。我們現(xiàn)在需要徹底的變革。
There was no fighting that fire regardless of additional equipment or the availability of that Reservoir.
Palisades had 3 million gallons in reserve but Cal Fire cut the power because the winds were blowing tree limbs into the power lines causing more fires and a danger to the fire Crews.
They were able to go 6 hours on gravity alone.
They exhausted what was in the tanks which couldn't be refilled without power and even with power supplying that much water uphill is nearly impossible.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉載請注明出處
Life and time are very important so everyone please make the best decision of your life and make God part of your everyday life by you praying to God everyday for his help in all your life situations and by you reading the bible everyday and a great place to start is in Psalms of the bible read a chapter in Psalms everyday and after you finish reading Psalms read in Proverbs and after that read a chapter in the bible everyday till you finish reading the whole bible
Their punishment for daring to vote for Kamala and Newsome. Vote smarter next time, and this can all be avoided.
Its time we forget about Florida and focus on rebuilding Califonia bigger and better than ever. California is what matters the most. Divert FEMA aide from Florida and give it all to California (the golden state). FLA sucks.
God is angry with us because of our government support and help GENO....
Its a shame that all the millions they spent on lgbtq+ cafes were all burned down because they cut the firefighters budget to build them.
But we sent all the money to Ukraine into Libya. I think it was or Syria won and we didn't have no money to help the people in Westnorth Carolina. Bet I bet you the crazies in California will come up with the money for this, but they can't help the people on the East Coast.
Question.Why was so many cars left in the road to block it? Seems like someone was trying to get more people killed by blocking the road. Where were the Police at? Why wasn't they there directing traffic and clearing the jam before it became a problem.