What is WAY more common than people realise?譯文簡介
What is WAY more common than people realise?
很贊 ( 3 )
Alcoholism. There are many more “functional” alcoholics or recovering than people would guess.
I manage a liquor store. So many of your waitresses, bankers, lawyers, mechanics, teachers, and more are daily drinkers. I didn’t realize it until I started my job.
One of my first (and many) eye-openers was when I was stuck in traffic because of an accident on the highway and I got to the store about 30 minutes later than usual. The woman behind the counter said "Is the traffic bad?" and I said yes and asked her why she was asking and she said "all the regulars were about half an hour late today."
My biggest recent "eye-opener" (read: indication I'm an alcoholic I can't easily ignore or rationalize) was when a delivery driver told me the clerk at the liquor store said I was a cool dude.
I used to manage a liquor store and a gas station. The number of people who you'd see in there everyday for a few singles, or several times a week for a case or a half gallon was truly disturbing?
That's why your more, ahem, functional alcoholics will have several stores they visit regularly. To avoid anyone knowing they're actually putting away a half gallon every two days.
That guy is/was me. I'm on day 7 of no alcohol and its been pretty great. I have about 4 different liquor stores near me that I was rotating with to avoid the everyday interactions. Pretty much got to the point where it was effecting my work and health and if I dont quit, ill be dead within a couple years.
Yeah this is something I did that I realized once I started talking to other alcoholics is ridiculously common among us. I had 3 different places I went to, and the amount I bought at each one individually was enough to kill most men.
I saw this during the pandemic.
Functional drug addicts too.
Had a realization in my mid twenties that like, people are just out here casually doing coke. From all walks of life.
People who don't wash their hands after using the restroom.
I was in the women's bathroom at work once (after TWO YEARS at this company) when I heard an odd whooshing sound overhead that I had never heard before. I mentioned it to the custodian, who I bumped into in the hall, and he was like "oh yeah, that's the sound of water running in the men's room sink. You don't hear it often!"
One time I went to a buffalo wild wings and in the men's bathroom I heard someone having a very loud and drunken shit. They finished up and walked right past the sink and out the door. I was so grossed out. Then I passed his table on the way back to mine, and he was elbow deep in chicken wing sauce. Licking all over his hands. It was one of the grossest things I've ever seen.
Heard/saw a lot of that when travelling. It's absolutely repulsive to me. How do you TAKE A WHOLE SHIT and the walk out of the bathroom without washing your hands? Next time that happens I'm asking for the number for their mom because obviously they aren't grown up enough to be left alone yet.
Honestly it’s just good to wash your hands periodically regardless, and after using the restroom is good as a re-up on that as much as anything else. Signs reminding people to wash their hands frequently aren’t just some weird thing to nag children.
Professional incompetence. On all levels, from cashiers at McDonald’s to nuclear scientists.
omg this. It doesn't matter what the job is, there are people that are REALLY BAD at it. There are shitty doctors, shitty mechanics, shitty lawyers, shitty scientists, etc... Certainly, in those jobs that require more critical thinking and more learning there should be less people that are shitty at it, but its still way more than you would think.
I used to be naive enough to think that incompetent people would just get weeded out of their industry eventually. Turns out, no. Even in small industries you can job hop for decades before your reputation makes it impossible to find another job.
The number of people being left behind by services going digital. They come into the library where I volunteer to find help, not only do some of them not have email addresses (and most of the ones who do rely on the computer remembering their passwords) a significant number don't even have mobile phones.
One of my local friends is a Librarian, and she says one of her tasks that she never expected was helping people navigate the government.
I'm a librarian in a downtown library. I would say most of the reference calls I get are mostly people just asking for the phone numbers and/or addresses of local services - doctors, restaurants, etc. Easy to google but they just don't have the skills/equipment to do so for whatever reasons.
Thank you for doing what you do!
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圖書館員只擔當“書籍的管理者”的角色, 已經(jīng)是幾十年前的事情了?,F(xiàn)在的他們是社區(qū)組織者,大眾的幫手,同時也是計算機科學的教師。
The way I look at it, libraries have always been focused on storing knowledge more than storing books, but up until relatively recently books were the only practical way to store large amounts of information. Once we developed ways to archive info that weren't books, libraries quickly adapted to include those as well.
People being ashamed of things they like. Pro wrestling, tabletop games, types of media (anime, reality TV etc.).
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Also people being ashamed of things they NEED
Huge numbers of sexually active people are carrying latent/dormant herpes and don't realise it.
Imposter syndrome. No one knows what we are doing. We are all just winging it. Most of us are hoping that asking questions and being nice will get us there.
My mum told me when I was around 18 (she was mid 40s then) that she still didn’t feel like an adult and essentially that she was also just winging it. It was so crazy to me then, that there is no such thing as an adult. The concept is a scam. There’s only experience and the ones that learn from it but nothing more. Almost 10 years later and I get it. I don’t feel like an adult, just like myself. Which is fine by me.
YES. I remember my parents telling me they didn’t feel their age. As an almost 35 year old I get it now. I feel like I’m 23 most days. Just wandering around and bumping into things and somehow managing to get it done. Whatever IT is. It’s wild to me that I’m a full ass adult now and do adult things and people just like trust me to do important shit at work.
I wish I had known this sooner. I was well into my 30s before I felt like I could just relax and live my life. Before it felt like I was waiting for my life to straighten out in order to start.
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I’m almost 35 and only through being friends with people from all ages and professions have I really begun to realize how no one fucking knows what we are doing. It’s kind of a relief and also terrifying hahah
There are a lot more very kinky people doing very kinky things than you think. Seriously. Most people just have no idea
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Absolutely, and what's going on with nurses? Every nurse I talked to about kinks was heavy into BDSM.
Because you need to be a masochist in order to voluntarily become a nurse.
Not even just kinks and BDSM, but every nurse I've ever dated had a very strong, very active sex drive. One woman told me it was because they spend so much time taking care of others, that it fuels a want for them to be taken care of as well. I dunno how true that is, but I've definitely experienced for myself that there's some truth to the naughty nurse stereotype.
Obviously it's anecdotal, but my girlfriend and her coworkers are the complete opposite of that and also nurses. All of her coworkers are women and all her coworkers view on sex is basically "I'm too tired to want it so I just do it to get it over with."
Mental health problems
Similarly, 50% of people seriously consider suicide at one point in their life
Illiteracy among high school graduates.
College professor here. I'm pretty sure a non-negligible number of my students are functionally illiterate or have a reading comprehension level of a middle schooler. Things are just getting worse.
Amicable divorces.
I think people just don’t talk about them as much because there’s not much to say
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One of my annoyances with my ex was how much useless stuff she accumulated. So it was cathartic, and we both had a giggle, as I went around the house pointing and "that's yours, that's yours, you're keeping that, that's yours.."
Lol yup, my parents even had a party where they got divorced after going to the courthouse.
Some people are really good friends but terrible life partners.
Parents regretting having children
My mom said she loves us, but if she didn't know us and could do it all again, she wouldn't have kids. It's a lifetime of responsibility and I don't blame her.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Suicides, a lot just get reported as 'natural causes' or similar.
Good people. Seriously, I think over 90% of us are at least decent. People look at politicians and celebrities and other extremely public people and think everyone is like that. For some reason we haven't figured out how to do government or business without the worst people making it to the top, but I still believe most of us are more good than bad. Even a good portion of Trump voters probably aren't doing it for nefarious reasons. They're just uninformed or ignorant and have bought into the lies.