Short people, what's something taller people don't understand?

Short people, what's something taller people don't understand?
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We’re at backpack height & it’s going to hit us in the face if you’re not careful.
I apologise for any experience you've had with taller backpack wearers because I've absolutely never thought about this - what makes this worse is I frequently feel infuriated that that spokes of smaller people's umbrellas are always at eye height for me. Backpacks are SO much more common than umbrellas. I'm going to really watch out for this now.
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And elbows when they reach for their back pockets in a crowded situation- I had so many black eye near misses over the years at concerts.
If I gain 5lbs I may need a different size pants. 5lbs is so much to a person with no place to put it.
I'm jealous of the way tall lanky people can wear loose clothing and it looks fine.
This is a big one for me, too. Tall women looks so unbelievably elegant. No matter what they wear they look like elegant ballerina swans, gliding beautifully and elegantly through life. I put on the exact same outfit, even if I get it tailored to my extremely short height, and I look like a little kid dressing up in her beautiful adult sister's or aunt's or mom's clothing
You can have extremely long arms and legs but if you have a shorter torso than your appendages, it’s the same thing.
Yup— this is the source of my shortness. I’m a petite by torso length, but with normal-length neck and limbs. I’m cool with the look, but having just a little more leeway to eat delicious food would be nice
And the amount of effort it takes to lose that 5lbs is significantly more than what a bigger person has to do.
This is sooo true. I'm 5'3", so on the taller end of being short, but when I was losing weight, I was constantly told I need to be eating at least 1200 cal a day to lose, when I was doing about 900 cal. Um, my regular is 1200-1300, so... That doesn't work here! I'm sure my metabolism is shit too, I don't know what all comes to play, I just know my own body.
I tried to use one of those calorie tracking apps once to lose 10 lbs (enormous at 4'9"!), and I actually gained 5 lbs because it kept shaming me for eating less than 1200 calories in a day. My dude, that is my base metabolic!
Same here! Some apps will not even let you go below 1200.
We don't need to ever clean those top shelves you say are dirty. I don't see them. Thus, they do not exist.
We see up into your nostrils all the time.
I'm 6'3 and have big nostrils. This is a legit fear of mine.
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If you are genuinely worried about it, this tells me that you are vigilant about actually cleaning your nose correctly and probably have rogue boogers in there way less often than the average person
I said this before on a different reddit post, but there's a lot of people that don't check their nose after they blow it. A lot of times there's a little white spot on their nose hairs they missed. It drives me nuts whenever I see it.
Even if the obxt isn’t that heavy, if my arms can’t wrap comfortable around to hold it, I can’t carry it.
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Like, a lot of people think that I need help carrying something due to the weight of something. But no, it’s mostly just the awkwardness of the size of the package. Like even a lot of those small generic sized boxes that Amazon and target ships to you? Are wide just enough that I literally cannot grip it with one hand. Because the span of my hand grip is too small. Likewise a large box, I may be able to carry it, but I can’t see where it is I’m going while doing so. Yeah, ditto on the sun visor in a lot of cars too.
The headrest in the car does absolutely nothing. My neck gets super sore on roadteips.
Sometimes they put my head in a weird angle where I'm forced to look down. Hurts so much.
Most short people can’t sit with their back against the back of a chair or sofa AND have their feet touch the floor. Without a pillow behind them it gets uncomfortable quickly. A lot of guys make fun of all the decorative pillows, but they also serve a function.
When you’re in a crowd of people, you can’t see a damn thing!
Yep, going to a concert in the crowd is not an option...
I’ve basically reached the point in my life where I’ve decided I’m done with live music and this is one of the biggest (no pun intended) reasons.
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Not only can we not see anything, it's also harder to breathe, less breeze coming through, you're close to people's armpits and the smell is way stronger
That people won't respect you as much as a tall person in a professional setting
4'8 here. Customers at my work often think I'm the trainee. I'm the fucking manager.
Bite their ankles to establish dominance.
This. I have a colleague that is 4'11" and she is brilliant but gets a lot of patronizing metaphorical head pats. If she were brushing average height, guarans it would be different.
My sister is 4'11" and is a ball busting bitch at work because no one will take her seriously otherwise. She's a good manager because she's willing to forgive and train, but when she brings the hammer down, it gets brought down hard. She'd get no respect otherwise.
I'm a short guy, 5'5", and when I manage women I do not have to do this. If I am managing a team of guys I have to be a dick or they will just try to walk all over me.
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This. I recently met someone for the first time in person (only met on zoom up until this point) the first thing they said to me was “I thought you would be taller”. Excuse me??
I have rocked out calves because I go up on tip toes twenty times a day.
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Kitchen counters and sinks are straining for us taller people too, our backs hurt from leaning forward
Washing dishes is torture
No chairs are made for me. At 5’3, my feet always dangle and worsen my sciatica. It feels dumb to feel like a toddler in every chair.
I am 5'4 and the majority of my leg length is in my thighs. My feet dangle everywhere. It's so annoying and uncomfortable.
In crowds it can become difficult to breathe. Taller people can reach the fresh air, but I’m trapped under where everyone else is breathing out.
Oh no, I'm pretty tall and at a concert recently was standing near a few really tall guys. It was later in the night and we have been sweating and dancing. I was in line with their shoulders and armpits it was not a good smell.
In addition to our noses being at armpit height, our boobs are also at elbow level...
What its like to go to the grocery store and have the item you need be on the very top shelf. You have to either suck up ypur pride and social anxiety and ask for help or go home without it.
if it helps, as a tall person, i like being able to put my height to use and grabbing the high stuff for those who cant reach and i've never looked down on anyone for asking
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
I'm 5'. I needed something from the top shelf, and asked a tall person for help. After they handed the item to me I said, "While we're here, do you need anything from the bottom shelf?" It gave us both a mild chuckle.
Literally made this trade with a short coworker for months. She couldn't reach the top shelf. By the time I hit my second trimester of pregnancy, bending down to get things out of the low cabinets was NOT fun.
But seriously, I'm 6'7 and my fiancee is 5'1 and I routinely ask her to get things from the bottom shelf for me. That's a loooooong way to go for my back.
Agreed! I’m never upset/bothered with someone asking me to help them grab something out of their reach. It’s nice to be helpful.
I go to the kitchen utensils section and get a big pair or bbq tongs, use them to get things off the high shelves, and then put them back where they belong before leaving the store
That we are closer to your crotch and can attack anytime
"What happens if I pat you on the head?"
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
I'm not eating small portions to starve myself, I'm eating small portions because if I consume more than 1300 calories a day I'll gain weight.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
As a shorter guy (5'5"M), you can literally be invisible in a group. At parties or gatherings, I've often had experiences where taller people will introduce themselves to each other and simply not notice me. I've learned to be more assertive, but it's annoying AF when it happens all the time.
I can't see if shits on the middle or top shelf in the cabinets. My bad if I miss it
Once upon a time my husband and I had a short argument about something in the fridge. I don’t remember details but it was an obxt easily seen to him but not to me and he couldn’t fathom how I didn’t see it (there’s less than 6 inches difference in our heights). A few days later I catch him hunching over a little with the fridge door open. I ask what he’s doing and he looks over, compares his current eye level with my normal one, looks back into the fridge and exclaims “oh you really CAN’T see it!”
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
You see door handles ? They got stuck in my sleeves sometimes !
I'm 5'0". During high school wrestling, I had a neck injury that required wearing a neck brace for a week.