People who know someone who won the lottery, how did they change?譯文簡介
People who know someone who won the lottery, how did they change?
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Girl that was jumping from one shitty job to another. Did win not a massive amount but enough to be able to study 2-3 years without having to work. Was able to land a good job and nice paycheck thanks to her studies, so basically changed her life for better.
Now THAT is money well spent
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That’s awesome, but also so frustrating that many capable people aren’t able to take the time they need to really advance themselves, just because of money.
This is what I fantasize about. I would love to know what it feels like to learn without the stress of needing to make money— didn’t even have that in high school. I don’t have any desire to get rich and lazy, I want to have the money to pursue genuine interests and contribute more to society
He bought a house, got sober, and invested a bunch of time into hobbies. He went from being a good guy to a great guy. Super proud of him.
I love a story where the winner didn't make a bunch of poor choices and seemingly end up worse.
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I’m sure there are plenty of examples like this, but we only hear about the people who fuck it up in spectacular fashion.
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This the kinda of story I didn’t expect lol, especially the getting sober part
Studies have shown (well specifically rodent studies, but it applies) that substance use is associated with boredom and unhappiness. A lone mouse in an empty cage consistently picked cocaine-laced water over regular water every time, but mice in a massive, high enrichment, community enclosure almost never picked the drugged water (repeated of course, not just one trial).
“Money doesn’t buy happiness” well in most aspects it certainly does
It buys time, which is more valuable than anything else.
This is why people who work a ton and have money still aren’t happy
They bought a big house, went on loads of vacations, years later had to sell the house and downsize. In the end spent every last penny
This is my nightmare. I'm not bad with money and you get money like that it's relatively easy to grow even if you don't know what to do. Imagine winning millions and then one day sitting around and going "Man, remember when I was rich?" would absolutely kill me inside.
A guy I went to high school with won the lottery in his early thirties. He bought the low-income housing block he grew up in and his mother still lived in, completely renovated it, and kept it low income housing.
She divorced her husband, a baggage handler for American Airlines if I recall, and married a rich flashy Cuban guy.
Idk that sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
I worked with a lady who was two cubicles down from me. She would buy the lottery religiously and one Friday our boss said to her, “I laugh you win the $55million and come in on Monday and quit.” Well…. She sure did. She was the first solo winner in my city and she quit Monday morning… she and her husband didn’t change much. They just remodelled their home and continue to live simple lives. Both are retired. She was 42 when she won. This was about 10years ago now.
I worked in retail with a woman who won just over $1 mil in the US in 1998. She got laid off from her job as a checker the very next day. The HR lady said she had never seen someone so happy being laid off, and this was about 20 days before Christmas. She became a stay at home mom and her husband, who was working at 7-11 and absolutely loved to talk to people, took his dream job - selling cars. I saw him about 8 years age and he said they still lived in the same house and he was still selling cars for the same dealership.
Won two million dollars and paid off their debt plus made a few large purchases. Friends, relatives, churches, and charities found out and asked for loans and hand outs. Eventually, the money ran out and they ended up stealing a bit from a some organization they were the treasurer of because they wanted to chase that high again. I can't remember if they did jail time or just did community service but they had to sell some things and ended up only slightly better off than they were before winning the lottery.
Oof. I’ve seen a few comments on other lottery posts talking about how a million dollars (or two in this case) is good money, but it’s not great money to win. You can easily spend a million dollars. Kind of wild to think about really.
My wife and I buy lottery tickets when the jackpot gets huge. We like to dream of moving to Yosemite Valley and climbing until we can't walk anymore.
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If I won a million dollars I'd use it towards getting a house. Simple as that
Unpopular opinion: When you win the lottery do not give anyone any money. Maybe pay off your parents house if you win the big lotteries otherwise everyone will suddenly try to be your friend and the money will disappear in no time.
My former boss won it. Divorced his wife, married some plastic filled new lady. Ended up divorcing her too and ODing on cocaine somewhere in the Caribbean.
What a nice end
He went out doing what he loved
Snorting cocaine off a strippers ass and ODing in the Caribbean
The American dream!
A friend’s mom won in like 1989. This was before you could take the lump sum. After taxes her payout was $37,000/yr for 25 years. She quit her job, thinking she’d be rich, but didn’t realize she was making less than her job paid, and ended up going back to work a few years later because of insurance etc.
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There’s also the fact that you have a lot more time to spend when you aren’t working, time that will often be used spending money.
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Coworker won 250k on a scratch-it. He ended up with 170k. He bought a house and a used car, then took his kids to disneyland. Then the story gets weird.
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Well, the biggest Powerball winner in Australia (over $100 million) just kept going to her nursing job because she said she likes nursing. Not surprisingly, she made use of the option to remain anonymous. Apart from saying she bought new place to move into, no plans to do anything particularly flashy and especially not financially irresponsible.
I see that people with big money that still do some job are happier than those that “quit and travel the world”.
I'd probably leave my current job. Spend my time volunteering, working out in nature, helping kids. The kinds of things that I can't afford to do at the moment because of my need to earn money to support my family.
My friend's aunt won about 800k (which can be a generational-change sum if managed correctly), she gave her immediate family 1k each (about 15 persons), paid her and her husbands student loans in full, all of her debt and house mortgage and decided to invest the rest, she still works at a school as a head teacher and my friend tells me that her mentality is something like "what easy comes, easy goes" so she doesn't spend the money lavishly.
I know a guy that won $1 million. It ended up being way less than that because of taxes. I didn't know him before he won but he was older, like late 50s, but he didn't stop working. Still a fabricator and the nicest guy. Apparently he didn't buy anything big, still lives in his small house and drives a beater. Couldn't have had a nicer guy win it honestly
Guy I worked with asked what would I do if I won a lot of lottery money, I said tell noone, see a financial planner, do what makes me happy. Later he brought a nice 4wd and left and a while later I heard he was just fishing in Queensland. Tell noone.
Went to school with a guy whose parents won about $1m. This was in the early 90’s.
That's the thing; $1m is "pay off your house and retire very comfortably one day" money. It isn't give up your day job money and a lot of folk clearly don't understand that.
I won 5 bucks once. Minimal impact.
You spent it all at once, classical pitfall for lotto winners
That and I imagine their family members/friends all found out so they came running for a hand out
A man comes home and asks his wife, “if I won the lottery, what would you do?”
Not the BIG prize, but they won 250K. They are farmers and they paid off all their debt and invested the rest in their farm. Better barn, tractors, hired help, etc. They were smart with it.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Reading a few of the “unfortunate” big winner replies really reinforces the advice to
Didnt win the lottery but I know a man who inherited 2 milion from a great aunt. Quit his job and travelled ended up in thailand where he spent all of it on women and booze. Cam back after 20 years without a penny to his name. I saw him some years ago in a bar. He works as a mechanic now and lives in a dingy flat. I asked him if he regretted spending it all and ge said no "I lived like a king for 20 years" you cant grumble at that ive lived nearly 50 years as a porper.
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I mean, I get the sentiment, but if he invested that, it would be a stable income of almost $100,000 a year. You could live like a minor Duke for pretty much forever in Thailand with that
She was already retired, so she gave like 100K to each of her children, gifted 10K to each of her nieces /nephews, bought a nicer apartment for herself and her husband, and mostly leads the same life as before. She still has the same friends, and she still has coffee with her sisters every weekday.
My friend won just under $30 million, and dropped out of college to learn to manage her money herself, then finished off her degree online and moved from the East Coast to the West Coast to start her dream career. She invested most of her winnings, works a 9-5 job she loves, and got married and has a couple of kids now. Her personality didn’t change at all, she’s goofy as hell with her friends, and an absolute sweetheart.
A workmate won the lottery, quit the job and spend most of his time traveling around the world. He is now broke and in depression
I knew a guy who quit his job as a factory worker and went back to college to get a doctorate in music performance and composition. Played a mean jazz bass. Happiest guy I ever met.
A friends parents won. They put the money into a savings account and never told the kids until they were in their 20s. Basically sat them down and said ‘we don’t actually need to worry about money’.