In the United States, what should you never do?

In the United States, what should you never do?
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很贊 ( 1 )
Don't fly a drone in Washington, DC. The whole D.C. Area is a no fly zone. It's a federal offense. Just don't do it.
When I lived in DC my brother came to visit and we did the mall tour. A dude brought a drone out and started flying in in front of the Washington monument.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Don't try to bribe cops when you get pulled over. I had some Argentinian friends immediately pull out their wallets and start pooling their cash when they got pulled over once. Fortunately someone in the car noticed and told them to put it away immediately.
Experience is a cruel teacher. She gives the test first and the lesson afterwards.
That's a good tip. This is common practice in so many countries but will get you in serious trouble in the U.S.
Wow -That works in Argentina ?
Here in Colombia, a traffic cop will tell you, "Friend, we have like 50,000 ways to solve this." So you know he wants 50k. Or they may say "You were going 150,000 kmh, do you know why I stopped you?" so you need to give him 150k.
50K Columbian pesos is about $11.63 USD according to Google. Wish it was that cheap in America.
Wow. I would absolutely overpay. If I was visiting I feel my my bribe-a-cop starting amount would be like 400k COP
50k is good for a random stop, speeding 150, no seatbelt lands you around 80k short.
It's common in a lot of the world, I've either paid or see someone pay bribes to police in Mexico, Brazil, India, and Indonesia.
I once had a coworker from India who lamented how impossible it is to bribe people in America. I think they'd just come back from the DMV and were like "If I could just throw a few bribes around, I'd be in and out of that place in five minutes!"
Bribes are effectively an encouragement for the system to remain broken. India is famous for how slow its bureaucracy works. One reason for that is that if you have enough money, you can make it work. So it becomes a system that works if you have enough money to bribe and is utterly useless if you don't.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Bribing officials in India might explain why there's so many call centres getaway with scamming people before getting shut down.
Yep. Commit all the crimes you want, just be sure to give the law enforcement their cut of the profits.
Apparently in many countries, it's also used as a system of control by elites who control the government or court system.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Normally, a broken system that is universal will mean the powerful have an incentive to change it. But if the problems don't effect them, it doesn't.
That's amazing. I recall seeing something about how Indian still has 30 year old court cases that are awaiting trial.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
That’s an interesting analysis. Sounds definitely like American politics, where the worst but loudest and most populist politicians can grift millions of dollars to get elected, doing nothing once in power and serving only the richest…
It works in Mexico. Sure it works in plenty of other Latin American countries.
My parents would routinely be let off by cops during traffic stops in Mexico for telling them they wouldnt agree to a bribe. and they wanted a ticket. The cop didnt see it worth his time to even pull them over since they wouldnt give him money
Everyone, including foreigners,has the right to be silent and have a lawyer when being questioned. Don’t say anything. Also, even if you speak English fairly well, ask for an interpreter.
A lot of Americans need to remember this too. Even if you are 100% innocent, don’t let yourself be questioned by the police without a lawyer.
The first rule of talking with the police is don't talk with the police.
It sucks because my instinct is to be helpful. I wouldn't commit a crime on purpose, so I would want to help however I could. Nope. They can lie to you, give you false promises, pin it on you.
also important for foreigners to know that they are legally entitled to a lawyer free of charge
Expect consistency at TSA in airports
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Sometimes they make me take out my headphones, sometimes they get mad when I do. Sometimes they make me put my backpack in a bin, sometimes they get mad when I do. It’s absurd.
I had a deal many years ago where they had announced shoes no longer needed to be removed. There were signs (at LAX) saying this. So I left my shoes on. After I walked through the magnetrometer I was informed I needed to go back and remove my shoes. I asked why - they said "because you chose not to remove your shoes before, you have been sexted for extra screening." I complained that had there not been a sign specifically saying I didn't need to remove my shoes, I would have removed them. They said "this is so we can see who is trying to avoid removing their shoes."
You know who’s trying to avoid removing their shoes? Everyone.
Yup! I said essentially this - "so everyone who doesn't remove their shoes is is sexted for extra screening and required to remove their shoes?" They said yes.
If you can read the sign, YOU'RE SUSPICIOUS.
"Alright sir, I just need to check inside your asshole"
It is absolutely infuriating though. They arent clear enough about the expectations either.
And then they yell at you like YOU'RE at fault. Put everything in a bin! Don't put anything in a bin! Put it in one bin! Put it in separate bins! It's easier now that I paid for TSA precheck, but that's not consistent either. Why do my boots set off one metal detector, but not another? And if I mention that they were fine in another airport I just get an eyeroll.
Metal detectors are all different and some have sensitivity settings. In some places metal detectors aren’t even real. They just look like metal detectors to dissuade people.
Your large is our tiny. Your bathtub is our huge. Choose the appropriate drink size.
I'm from the US, so I grew up knowing how huge our large drinks are. But then I moved to Texas and ordered a medium drink from Whataburger and realized I knew nothing about comically oversized drinks.
Or child size. It’s big enough that if you liquified a small child he’d fit in the cup.
Don’t road rage, people are armed
When I was fresh out of high school I had a friend who was murdered for honking at someone. It was terribly sad.
If you come from a walkable country don’t come here expecting the same. There are some areas with good public transportation and bicycle/pedestrian friendly streets but for the most part, especially outside of cities, the areas are designed to accommodate cars more than anything else. The reason a lot of Americans drive everywhere is because (depending on where you live) we have no choice.
UK gal back and forth to USA here and I couldn’t believe it when someone said there were ‘no public footpaths through farmers fields’. They everywhere in UK. Oklahomans told me I can get shot at pretty quick for any of that business!
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
The comparison I've often heard is "In Europe 200 miles is a long distance, in the US 200 years is a long time"
Underestimate how huge the US is. If you plan on driving it can take hours to not even get half way across some states.
I had a family friend come to the USA from France. She decided she would drive from New York down the east coast. Across the south. Up the west coast. And then back across the north. Then fly out of Chicago. She was here for 2 weeks. She didn't believe us when we said that's not enough time.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://nxnpts.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
So what happened? Did she eventually believe you? Did she miss her flight?
She never made it to the west coast. She went south to Orlando, went West till Dallas, and turned north to Chicago. She called us the first night of it was normal to drive all day and not get that far. We had to explain that yes, that was normal.
Reminds me of a story about some Japanese businessesmen in the 70s, flew into LA and were supposed to fly from there to Chicago but the flight was canceled. So they decided to rent a car and drive. They made it to Las Vegas and booked another flight from there, realizing their mistake.
I met a couple from Spain in St Pete's Beach Florida a few years back and they mentioned they were driving out to LA and then up to Portland to fly out. They were thinking it would only take a few hours to get from FL to CA and were baffled when I told then it was going to take 3ish days to get there.
I don't understand people who don't know how to open a map app
Get out of your car and approach the cop when being stopped by a cop unless told to.
I’m from Australia and friend who traveled to the US told me about how he got pulled over for speeding in the middle of nowhere in Nevada. Guns drawn shouted instructions until they spoke to them and heard the Aussie accents, guns went away, they became friendly and let them off with a warning.
pee in public - streets or something like that.
This would be the answer I would give. In Germany it's pretty common for men to pull over and urinate on the side of the road; however, in the US, depending on the location/near a school, could be considered a sexual offense.
Order a large size of anything that is food related. The sheer volume of food they give is ridiculous.