“I love deadlines,” English author Douglas Adams once wrote. “I lovethe whooshing noise they make as they go by.”


We’ve all had the experience of wanting toget a project done but putting it off for later. Sometimes we wait because wejust don’t care enough about the project, but other times we care a lot – andstill end up doing something else. I, for one, end up cleaning my house when Ihave a lot of papers to grade, even though I know I need to grade them.

(譯注:道格拉斯·亞當斯((Douglas Adams ,1952 – 2001),創(chuàng)作了《銀河系漫游指南》《神秘博士》等)

So why do we procrastinate? Are we built tooperate this way at some times? Or is there something wrong with the way we’reapproaching work?


These questions are central to my researchon goal pursuit, which could offer some clues from neuroscience about why weprocrastinate – and how to overcome this tendency.


To do, or not to do


It all starts with a simple choice betweenworking now on a given project and doing anything else: working on a differentproject, doing something fun or doing nothing at all.

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The decision to work on something is drivenby how much we value accomplishing the project in that moment – whatpsychologists call its subjective value. And procrastination, in psychologicalterms, is what happens when the value of doing something else outweighs thue of working now.


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This way of thinking suggests a simpletrick to defeat procrastination: find a way to boost the subjective value ofworking now, relative to the value of other things. You could increase thue of the project, decrease the value of the distraction, or somecombination of the two.


For example, instead of cleaning my house,I might try to focus on why grading is personally important to me. Or I couldthink about how unpleasant cleaning can actually be – especially when sharing ahouse with a toddler.


It’s simple advice, but adhering to thisstrategy can be quite difficult, mainly because there are so many forces thatdiminish the value of working in the present.


The distant deadline


People are not entirely rational in the waythey value things. For example, a dollar bill is worth exactly the same todayas it is a week from now, but its subjective value – roughly how good it wouldfeel to own a dollar – depends on other factors besides its face value, such aswhen we receive it.


The tendency for people to due moneyand other goods based on time is called delay discounting. For example, onestudy showed that, on average, receiving $100 three months from now is worththe same to people as receiving $83 right now. People would rather lose $17than wait a few months to get a larger reward.

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Other factors also influence subjectivue, such as how much money someone has recently gained or lost. The keypoint is that there is not a perfect match between obxtive value andsubjective value.

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Delay discounting is a factor inprocrastination because the completion of the project happens in the future.Getting something done is a delayed reward, so its value in the present isreduced: the further away the deadline is, the less attractive it seems to workon the project right now.


Studies have repeatedly shown that thetendency to procrastinate closely follows economic models of delay discounting.Furthermore, people who characterize themselves as procrastinators show anexaggerated effect. They discount the value of getting something done ahead oftime even more than other people.


One way to increase the value of completinga task is to make the finish line seem closer. For example, vividly imagining afuture reward reduces delay discounting.


No work is ‘effortless’


Not only can completing a project bedued because it happens in the future, but working on a project can also beunattractive due to the simple fact that work takes effort.


New research supports the idea that mentaleffort is intrinsically costly; for this reason, people generally choose towork on an easier task rather than a harder task. Furthermore, there aregreater subjective costs for work that feels harder (though these costs can beoffset by experience with the task at hand).


This leads to the interesting predictionthat people would procrastinate more the harder they expect the work to be.That’s because the more effort a task requires, the more someone stands to gainby putting the same amount of effort into something else (a phenomenoneconomists call opportunity costs (lix is external)). Opportunity costs makeworking on something that seems hard feels like a loss.


Sure enough, a group of studies shows thatpeople procrastinate more on unpleasant tasks. These results suggest thatreducing the pain of working on a project, for example by breaking it down intomore familiar and manageable pieces, would be an effective way to reduceprocrastination.


Your work, your identity


When we write that procrastination is aside effect of the way we value things, it frxs task completion as a productof motivation, rather than ability.


In other words, you can be really good atsomething, whether it’s cooking a gourmet meal or writing a story, but if youdon’t possess the motivation, or sense of importance, to complete the task,it’ll likely be put off.


It was for this reason that the writerRobert Hanks, in a recent essay for the London Review of Books, describedprocrastination as “a failure of appetites.”


The source of this “appetite” can be a bittricky. But one could argue that, like our (real) appetite for food, it’ssomething that’s closely intertwined with our daily lives, our culture and oursense of who we are.


So how does one increase the subjectivue of a project? A powerful way – one that my graduate students and I havewritten about in detail – is to connect the project to your self-concept. Ourhypothesis is that projects seen as important to a person’s self-concept willhold more subjective value for that person.


It’s for this reason that Hanks also wrotethat procrastination seems to stem from a failure to “identify sufficientlywith your future self” – in other words, the self for whom the goal is mostrelevant.


Because people are motivated to maintain apositive self-concept, goals connected closely to one’s sense of self or identitytake on much more value.


Connecting the project to more immediatesources of value, such as life goals or core values, can fill the deficit insubjective value that underlies procrastination.
